The “Test Automation Services Framework” by KiwiQA is a seven-step framework that guides you through each stage of software automation testing, from the development of an automation strategy through the production of reports outlining the state and calibre of your projects.
This framework can be used to automatically create, consume, and maintain any volume of test input data. It makes modifying, using, and managing test findings at scale much easier. It is capable of carrying out test steps that are written down in test scripts as reusable test logic and automating them to run repeatedly for different combinations of data.
To automate the tests with the least amount of manual involvement, K-FAST offers this crucial add-on.
K-FAST is a Test Automation Services Framework that is open-source, data-driven, and language-independent. With our unique framework, it’s easy to reduce testing costs.
With K-FAST’s Framework, you can compare a test case to numerous test data types using just one test script.
POM enables you to create an object repository that stores each web element, minimising code duplication and enhancing test case management.
Development work can be merged early to find errors with K-FAST using the open-source platform Jenkins.
K-FAST excels in accelerating test execution because it can remotely manage and distribute automated test sets across virtual machines, computers, and the cloud.
Using the K-FAST architecture, you may get personalised, needs-based reports that are responsive.
K-FAST is a preferred paradigm for continuous benefits since ROI rises with time with faster delivery and more regressions.
K-FAST has extra features that can be incorporated into the framework as needed. These qualities enable K-potential FASTs to be used outside of testing.
K-FAST enables you to set up alerts/notifications for a variety of situations, saving you the time and effort of manually monitoring everything.
Verify if the programme is functional and compatible with browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
You can quickly fix faults found during testing and submit them for the necessary traces throughout the development environment by using the debugging mode.
Like any thorough framework, K-FAST enables you to save screenshots as references for later use.
We use an array of methodologies depending on the requirements or the different testing stages.
Its main objective is to create and distribute acceptance criteria. Java reports are useful, comprehensive, and practical, enabling programmers to create excellent automation test case scenarios.
Without the need to understand any test programming languages, Selenium offers a playback tool for creating functional tests that work across a range of contemporary web browsers.
Because it offers a wider variety of test types, including unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, etc., TestNG is employed. Additionally, it includes functionally strong characteristics.
It is mostly used to manage project dependencies and the lifecycle of any project; it is rarely used to manage Java projects to facilitate project build.
It encourages the use of plugins to integrate test automation technology and frameworks. Additionally, it helps test suites, compilations of results, and problem reports run smoothly.
Reassess the efficacy of test automation initiatives using our plug-and-play automation design that employs Java and Selenium WebDriver to complement test automations.
The K-FAST framework’s end-to-end testing procedure is broken into four major parts.
It all starts with the application of our proprietary data-driven framework. We also create the test script in the beginning using the Eclipse IDE.
Then, to enable continuous integration, we incorporate Jenkins. This enables the building of a pipeline to be supported by many tools, languages, and automation activities.
After the tests are completed, we get a clear picture of the flaws or possible issues in the software that need to be addressed.
Using the test execution report, we compare the acquired results to the expected outcomes and determine the product’s market readiness.
The most significant query, “Is this the right framework for you?” is answered here. Let’s examine the test automation framework in more detail.
K-FAST has generated notable results and left a good impact across verticals in projects where it has been applied.
Early problem detection and correction during product testing is advantageous in terms of release cycles.
Your testing will go well and enable you to save money if you have the appropriate tools, approach, and plan.
To make sure that the process is smooth, our framework inspects software systems, sub-systems, and all components while concentrating on the risk weight of the tested requirements.
K-FAST significantly improves testing quality and delivery time due to the technology and processes we employ.
K-FAST makes sure that your software stack’s tools are utilized to their full potential, which is a crucial performance indicator.
By solving a number of difficulties, such as the price of bug fixes, K-FAST, like a reliable framework, aids in lowering maintenance and support expenses.
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