Types of Automation Testing: Which is Right for Your Project?

Types of Automation Testing: Which is Right for Your Project?

In the testing sector, automation has become a huge factor in determining the success of the testing projects in progress. The choice of automation testing tools and their integration into the testing methodology can make the testing results accurate and rapid. Now that companies want to launch applications as soon as possible, the need for automation testing services becomes more apparent.

One of the best ways to invest in the improvement of the testing approach is to choose different types of automation testing tools for the tests to be run. Today, 42 percent of testing companies claim that automation testing is a huge part of their QA cycles. There is a gradual increase in the number of companies adhering to different types of automation testing as businesses start to realize the importance of automation in testing processes.

The use of automation in testing helps improve the quality of validated outcomes while also reducing the time taken to market the app. In the market, you can find types of testing automation that support end-to-end testing and act as a comprehensive testing suite that teams can use effectively.

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a technique of rapid testing that happens through different types of automation tools that are available for multiple purposes. Automation testing is an approach that depends to a great extent on the use of tools, frameworks, and automated scripts that are designed to bring accuracy to the testing approach. While automation is used in every sector of production and commerce today, testing of software also uses advanced automation, which simplifies the tasks that testers have to do.

Web Application Testing

Key benefits of automation testing:

❖ Efficiency and speed

The efficiency and speed of testing improve with the use of multiple types of testing automation. Automation testing tools allow the quick and independent running of repetitive test cases so that testers can better complete high-priority tasks.

The handling of repetitive test cases by automation increases the efficiency with which human testers work and also improves the speed at which the test cases are run. There are many automation tools that can run parallel tests on multiple devices to check for the efficiency level of the app while maintaining the speed of testing.

❖ Accuracy and consistency

When different types of automation testing are done, the accuracy of the test results also goes up. The automated tests are more consistent, which minimizes the room for human errors. The use of testing automation improves the precision of the testing process and also extracts accurate results. This translates into reliability, which testers find with the most modern automation testing tools. The use of automation testing can help run tests very smoothly and in a stable environment.

❖  Reduced human intervention

While human testers can have a high level of expertise in running software QA tests, it is often seen that human intervention can cause errors. The use of automated testing tools reduces the burden on human testers so that they can focus on completing more specific and important tasks. Companies can choose types of testing in automation and optimize their testing team to a great extent. The balance between human testing and automation methodology enhances the results of testing and validation.

Also Read: Top 5 Salesforce Automation Testing Tools For Efficient QA

Common Types of Automation Testing

The next question that you will find answers to is how many types of automation testing tools are there and how they are used. In the testing approach, there are different types of testing processes and cases. A tester usually designs functional tests, unit tests, integration tests, etc, to validate an application’s integrity and functions. Multiple tests are needed to check for the stability and performance of an application across its functionalities.

1. Functional Testing

Every application has a framework that includes particular functions and features that together make it a responsive application that people can use. Before the launch of the app, it is important that the testing team thoroughly tests the framework for the different functions it has and whether the functions are working for the purpose they were coded for. The functional tests are run to check if inputs sent to the functions are getting the right kind of results. The tests ensure that the app runs properly and can meet user expectations in terms of the features it offers.

➯ Key tools: The key tools that introduce types of automation testing for functional tests are Selenium, QTP, and TestComplete. You might find many tools to run functional tests, but these are the best options. Selenium is preferred because it is a scalable and open-source tool that can be used for a slew of projects. On the other hand, QTP is a very versatile tool that can run automated functional tests on multiple platforms. TestComplete is a comprehensive testing tool that codes for functional tests among a range of testing capabilities.

➯ Use cases: Functional types of testing automation are used to validate the core functions and features of software applications. The testers use these tools to check how responsive the functional part of the app is depending on the user inputs it gets.

2. Unit Testing

Unit tests are run on different kinds of isolated units of the total app software before they are integrated to create the complete framework. As the unit tests are run on isolated units of code before the whole app is formed, these tests are run during the initial phase of app development. Unit tests are run on smaller units of the app code to ensure that all parts of the code are working without any errors.

➯ Key tools: The best tool for unit testing is Junit, which is particularly designed to test software developed using Java as a core language. Nunit is also a good unit testing tool that runs tests on apps developed using the .NET language. Another unit testing tool is the TestNG tool, which is very versatile and can support multiple programming languages.

➯ Use cases: The unit testing tools are used to run automated tests on the simple unit code of the application. These tests run the application code blocks in an isolated manner so that the errors screen early in the development phase. This is the testing phase, where minor risks and problems are screened and resolved before there are major errors in the app. These tools are best for integration into the continuous development phase.

3. Integration Testing

Integration tests are among the types of testing in automation testing that check for the integrations and connections between different units and components of the software application. For the software app to run smoothly, the different components and modules need to interact smoothly. The integration testing tools validate if the components of the app can work together to complete a task and exchange data without any roadblocks.

➯ Key tools: Among the many types of automation testing tools available for testing software code integration, the best ones are Postman, Citrus, and Protractor. These tools are fast and can check for service integrations and API integrations, among other capabilities.

➯ Use cases: The testing tools for integration tests are best for validating the combination and coordination between different components of the app framework. The tools check for any issues in the communication and flow of information between the components of the app interface.

4. Smoke Testing

If you ask how many types of automation testing are done, the answer will probably start with smoke testing. Smoke testing is the quickest test to run after an app has been built. The testers use basic testing tools to run preliminary tests on the basic functionalities of the software application. The smoke tests are done to check for surface-level issues that might indicate the existence of larger problems in the code framework.

➯ Key tools: For Smoke testing, testing companies use Jenkins, CircleCI, and TravisCI. These tools can efficiently become part of the CI/CD approach for testing. Smoke test automation can reduce the burden and time constraint on the testing team.

➯ Use cases: Smoke tests are run on app frameworks to check for the app’s basic functionality and features. Tests of this nature are run on new frameworks and apps before any further tests are designed.

5. Regression Testing

Regression tests are the ones that are run on existing code to check for any resultant changes after improvements and changes in the original app code framework are made. The regression tests are run in the later stage of development so that app integrity can be validated. When the app goes through changes and updates to make it a better product, there could be some unwanted consequences, too. Regression tests screen for these consequences and can find out the errors to resolve them quickly after an update has been made.

➯ Key tools: The best tools for running regression tests are Ranorex, TestComplete, and Katalon Studio. While Ranorex is a versatile tool that supports app testing on multiple platforms, TestComplete and Katalon Studio are comprehensive app testing platforms.

➯ Use cases: Automated regression tests are perfect for inclusion in the CI/CD pipeline. This kind of test is run on apps that have gone through recent updates and improvements after their initial build.

6. Performance Testing

Performance tests are run to check the quality of the app and how it truly performs in real-life conditions. The popularity of an app ultimately boils down to its overall performance, and so these tests are very important. Performance tests are run on different areas like responsiveness, loading speed, and app endurance under fluctuating conditions. The app is tested with automated tools to see if it can run smoothly even under stress and maintain user activity.

➯ Key tools: LoadRunner and Gatling are some of the best-paid performance testing tools that can run these tests on large-scale applications. JMeter is affordable compared to other load testing tools that can be best used to run stress tests on different applications. Testing for load, various scales of traffic, and digital stress factors are some of the test cases under performance tracking for an app.

➯ Use cases: Performance testing tools are meant to design automated test cases for load, stress, and endurance testing. Usually, thorough performance testing with automated frameworks is performed for large-scale applications. Performance tests are needed to screen for the performance indicators and factors in different kinds of apps. Automated tools are best used for mid-scale and large-scale applications. The automated tools for performance testing can also be customized to run tests on particular parameters and test cases.

7. Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing happens on the application on usability grounds to check if the digital product is ready to be accepted and used by its target audience. The application is tested to check if the overall functionality of the app is aligned with the business goals it was envisioned for. How easily users accept the app and adapt to its use is checked through such tests. The usability and interactive nature of the app is tested to see if it is ready to capture the market after deployment.

➯ Key tools: Selenium is a versatile end-to-end testing tool that can also run acceptance tests. Dedicated automation tools for acceptance testing are Cucumber and FitNesse, which can encompass a range of user acceptance criteria. While Selenium is scalable and accessible, Cucumber and FitNesse are paid tools for testing software.

➯ Use cases: Acceptance tests are run with the help of automated tools when you want to cut time to market in the pre-deployment phase. The tests are run to ensure that the app is ready to meet business goals and be accepted by the target audience.

8. Security Testing

Security testing is a process that identifies the risks and security vulnerabilities in the app framework so that the possible risks are screened and resolved in time. The security of an app and its protection against outer threats is important. The security tests help in finding out the integrity of the security layers around the app framework.

➯ Key tools: Among the automated tools for security testing is OWASP ZAP, which is an open-source, easy-to-access tool for scalable apps. The Burp Suite tool is another one that is best for testing the security layers of an application. Acunetix is also a tool meant to analyze security and risk.

➯ Use cases: While security testing is important for all kinds of apps, it is most needed for apps that are built around sensitive data and data privacy needs. For example, e-retail, cashless apps, fintech, and healthcare apps need extensive security testing.

Manual Testing

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Automation Testing Type

❖ Project Requirements

When choosing from the types of testing automation, the team has to fall back on the basics of the project at hand. The nature, purpose, and scope of the application to be tested determine the types of automation testing that can be used for the QA cycles. A good testing team will study the scope and requirements of the project and framework before choosing the automation testing tools to validate the application. When the automation tools for testing are aligned with the project requirements, the choice of resources is optimized and effective.

❖ Development Phase

Depending on the phase of app development into which the automation testing tools have to integrate, the testing team chooses the types of testing automation. The testing automation tools should be open to integrating with the continuous development and testing approach so that the tests are run in a parallel manner to the development phases.

Different types of automation testing are done in tandem with the different app development phases. For example, unit testing is run after the early phase of development. In the mid-phase of app development, integration tests are run. On the other hand, in the late phase of app development, the testing team focuses on running acceptance and pre-deployment tests. The testing team has to discuss with the development team and collaborate with the professionals to create the best testing approach that is aligned with the development phase in progress.

❖ Budget and Resources

What are the types of automation testing? The types of automation testing the company can invest in depend on its existing tools and testing environment. It also depends on the nature and volume of testing projects coming into the company workflow. The budget outlined for the testing project and the resource allocation done by the management determines the kind of automation tools to be used for the testing project.

For example, if the budget is low, then the testing team will go for open-source and free tools for software testing. When the project is high-scale and resource-intensive, the team could opt for paid and subscribed automation testing tools, which are a bit on the expensive side.

❖ Time Constraints

The choice of automation tools for testing that you make also depends on how much time is left to market the application. Every app development and testing project comes with a time constraint, and this constraint can determine which automation tools to choose. If the team wants to automate the testing process fully and reduce the time needed to run the tests, then it can choose advanced automation testing tools. If the time constraints are not tight, the team can be selective in what type of automation testing tools it needs and balance the tools with human expertise.

❖ Technology Stack Compatibility

For the best results on running quality assessment tests on the app, it is important to choose an automation testing suite, which is built on the programming languages and resources used to develop the application originally. When the tools for testing are compatible and native to the tech stack used for development, the testing and improvement of the app happens very smoothly.

The automation and testing methods run smoothly if the runtime environment and testing approach are aligned with each other. For this, the testing team has to pick customized and versatile testing tools that can run smoothly with any existing tech stack. The best idea is to choose testing tools that are open to running cross-browser and cross-platform tests so that applications of diverse natures can be tested easily.

Also Read: Test Automation Strategy: Key Practices for Successful

Benefits of Selecting the Appropriate Automation Testing Type

Now that you know what the types of automation testing are, you must also understand that automation testing tools are highly beneficial for testing professionals. When a high volume of tests have to run in a test environment, the best approach will be to choose a comprehensive testing tool that can improve the coverage and efficiency of the test cases run on the app framework. Below is a detailed look at the many effects and advantages of opting for automation testing.

❖ Enhanced testing efficiency and coverage

The use of multiple types of automation testing tools can help improve the efficiency and test coverage of the QA cycles. QA cycles run on modern applications can be very extensive. When these test cases are run by human testers, the time taken for running the tests might be very high. Because of the lack of foresight and analysis, a human tester might not design all possible test cases for maximum coverage.

When the coverage is low, the percentage of human errors in the code goes up. Low or mid-level test coverage ignores minute areas of the app code framework where risks still exist. An automated testing tool can run a huge number of tests across different areas of the app framework to improve the test coverage and get thorough results.

❖ Improved application quality and reliability

The use of different types of automation testing tools can also improve the application quality and reliability. Automation tests greatly contribute to validating the quality parameters of a digital product. According to studies, 60 percent of companies that are using automated testing tools are doing so to improve the quality of the products they offer to their clients.

The use of automation in testing improves the quality and consistency of results that testers get. As the results are accurate, the improvements made in the app through testing insights are very effective. Earlier, the problem areas and errors that were not humanly screened are now resolved with the help of automated tools. The testing automation approach reduces the possibility of errors and bugs in the final application framework.

❖ Optimized resources and reduced testing time

The biggest benefit of using highly optimized automation testing tools is the reduced testing time that the testing team experiences. While automation testing tools might need higher investments in the early phase, in the long run, automation optimizes the overall testing process so the testing team saves resources and time.

Choosing the right kind of automation tool for testing applications can reduce the time to market and increase the revenue generated from the product. Investment in the integration of testing automation tools is a major step toward improving the profitability of existing QA cycles. In fact, automation testing tools in the industry create reusable test cases that can be used without being resource-intensive and time-consuming in nature.

Choose the Right Automation Testing Type for Project Success!

In this blog, you get an idea about how many types of automation testing tools are available and how you can use them to test applications and code blocks. If you own an automated software testing company, it is crucial to choose the right kind of automation testing tools that match the current automation testing trends so that you can maintain the efficiency of the testing process and deliver the best results on QA cycles run on different projects. Testing tools with the most advanced automation are now found across testing processes such as functional testing, smoke testing, unit testing, etc. Depending on the tests your team wants to run, you need to select types of testing in automation testing.

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